Monday, October 4, 2010

I Hate the Rain

Rain: it ruins everything.  I was supposed to go to a Rennaisance Fair this weekend, but of course the rain ruined it.  My neighbor, and also my best friend, Adam, was meeting me Fishers to go to the fair.  Instead, however, we ended up driving to Indy to go to the mall.  On the drive there it was pretty entertaining.  I swear me and Adam act like we are married sometimes.  We kept arguing with each other about which way we were supposed to be going, or to move over a lane, or somehting along those lines.  Once we finally made it to Indy we had to figure out our way through the city to find a parking garage.  It would've been really easy except that there was a parade downtown so they had a lot of the streets blocked off.  So of course, we continued to argue.  Eventually we found a parking garage and enjoyed our day in Indy.  It was a fun time.  We saw "The Social Network" and that was a pretty descent movie.  Then after, we went to Hardrock Cafe.  Once I got back to Muncie, I had intentions to go to a party later that night.  However, I was tired and fell asleep at 7:30 and didn't wake up until 2.  My party night was pretty much ruined.  All and all, it was a good, relaxing weekend.

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